In the spirit of overeating (it is the day after Thanksgiving):
This Is Why You're Fat is a blog that illustrates the ridiculous crap that people eat. It is completely disturbing, but super hilarious! Rubik's cube sandwich or a Baconcado anyone?
I was thinking about hair today because I found a rather long gray one and promptly plucked it from my head! I then started to wonder whether or not I would be one of those lovely gray-haired ladies with a cute bob or opt for the other route ... red, dark blonde ... I love red hair!
If you've ever had the dilemma of what to do with the mouse once you catch it—this contraption is your answer. The Oh My God! Mouse Trap, designed by student Sarah Déry, is a cleverly designed solution to a super unpleasant task.
I was listening to the radio on my way home last week and Michele Norris was interviewing Eliot Glazer, the man behind the blog My Parents Were Awesome. Eliot says he created the blog to recognize the fact that "before the fanny packs and Andrea Bocelli concerts, [our] parents (and grandparents) were once free-wheeling, fashion-forward, and super awesome." Mine are still super awesome and so is Eliot's blog!
Worth1000 had a Photoshop contest in which they tasked graphic designers to come up with an ad for a contemporary product repositioned in the past. The results, as you can see, were pretty fantastic. These are just a few of my favorites, but you can see all of the other hilarious ads here.
Can you imagine introducing yourself to a new acquaintance with "Hello, my name is Saito Ichiro Sama-no-kami Minamoto-no-Ason Tadayoshi, it's so nice to meet you"? Yikes! According to this article in The Japan Times Online, the Japanese naming convention of surname followed by personal name is a relatively new practice. {Image "Green Pond" (circa 1927), by Takeuchi Seihō via Mellow Monk}
These clothbound Penguin Classics, by designer Coralie Bickford-Smith are lovely. I would like to cuddle up under a blanket all Winter and read each one.
You can buy a set including all eight titles (Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, and Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë) from Penguin or a select few from Anthropologie.
I'm a Graphic Designer living in San Francisco. I started this blog to keep track of the cool things/places I like on the www. I hope you like them too.